Friday 7 June 2013

My Korean Dish

Maybe because I live by myself, I always end up buying too much groceries or having nothing left at home. These were all ingredients that I have left at home and I was surprised by how good it tastes, or maybe it's just my love for spicy rick cake . 
Ingredients: Egg,Salad, Seaweed, Ramen, Fish Cakes, Rice Cake and Sauce (this was the sauce that I used , but I actually prefer the one below it)

All you need to do is boil some water in a pan and then put in rick cake for about 3 to 4 minutes, depending on the kind that you have, then add in fish cakes and ramen(fancy name for instance noodles). I prefer to put in fish cake later because they are normally cooked already. Once the water is boiling, I will add in the sauce; depending on how salty you will like your entree to be, you can add in a reasonable amount. Then, it  will take about another 1 to 2 minutes until it's ready. I added in seaweed to just make the plate looks more colorful.

It's the easiest Korean dish that I learned and it tastes amazing to me but it's not very authentic. 

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